Despre Asociație
WE ARE a group of enthusiastic people from different activity fields. Our main purpose is to make better when it comes to tourism. We appreciate local values, we invest our resources in our projects, we don't believe in things made just because the have to be done. We are 100% involved in all our projects, we always did and will do everything through hard work and we keep exploring new perspectives in the fields we're passional about. In a few words, we're the Alternative Tourism Association.
WE WANT to show people the up sides of the places in which we live - city, region, country. Our purpose is to change mentalities on a long term, one of our main goals being to change the idea that things are made "just to be made".
WE AIM to become the official authority in alternative tourism in Romania and to create the standard of "Alternative Tourism Guarantee", as a quality standard in this domain.
WE UNDERSTAND we accept the reality we live in, with its pluses and minuses. We know that changes are hard to make and take time, and we believe that we can make a change for the better by persevering until we succeed. We have the courage to try to change mindsets and behaviors when we are told that nothing can be changed. We believe what we say and say what we believe, even when the truth isn't the most comfortable thing.
WE KNOW cum se fac lucrurile convențional, însă decidem întotdeauna să explorăm noi perspective și să ne lărgim orizontul. Ne lovim în continuu de piedici, însă facem „haz de necaz” și mergem mai departe. Noi suntem Alternative Tourism Association și dacă te regăsești în tot ce-am spus până acum, te invităm să ni te alături!